Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Tell Tale of Halloween

 If I tell you that I plan for the next year's Halloween in a year advance, will you think I am crazy?  But this is true! There is so much to adore about this season and the festival! Somehow the possibilities around a witch, haunted house, full moon, bats and black cat intrigue me a lot!

For this year's Halloween, I decided to make a skunk costume. Who doesn't adore skunks? With their bushy tails, white stripped fur and the power to spray, I think they are quite unique! Do you remember the story "Curious George Goes to Camping" where George mistook a skunk for a kitty and pulled his tail? The story is hilarious!! After reading this story, we wanted to incorporate Mr. Skunk into our Halloween activities.


1. For the base,  I used a black pajama set by AVAUMA from Amazon
2. I also got a Black stretchy knit fabric from Etsy to make the head gear
3. White faux fabric ( 10" by 20" ) from Etsy
4. Wire ( I reused the wire from dry cleaners)
5. Small plier
6. Cardboard to cut out design
7. Scissors, needle, thread 

Steps to make the headgear are the following:

In the next steps build out the body of the costume, which is fairly easy, as it just involves cutting the fur fabric in the shape of an inverted "V"  and stitching it along with the shirt.

The last part is making the tail. In order to make the tail stand stiff, I used a metal wire from the cheap wire hangers ( idea courtesy: Pinterest).

And this is how it looked at the end!

Happy Halloween everyone! This year is different, but may we continue to have the spirit of fun and acceptance within us always!

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